HomeSermonDefeating The Defeated Satan | Global Life Service (18th August, 2024)

Defeating The Defeated Satan | Global Life Service (18th August, 2024)

Defeating The Defeated Satan | Global Life Service (18th August, 2024)

August 18, 2024

Miracle and Anointing Service

Topic: Defeating the defeated Satan

Text: 1 Sam 17:3-11; Isa 14:12-17; Psm 115:16;…

Having listened to God’s Word, we must trust Him for guidance on the necessary steps to take. Pastors can often be deceptive, so it’s crucial to act on God’s direct instructions to manifest His will.

  1. Embrace a positive mindset. Don’t allow sadness to consume you.
  2. Take action. Identify practical steps to bring God’s promises to fruition.

>>> The Son of God

>>> Is The Son of Men

>>> He rules and reigns

>>> In the affairs of men

We must not let the devil dictate the terms of our spiritual battle. While David was physically small, his heart was mighty. Victory comes not from strength but from divine knowledge.

To achieve supernatural victory:

  1. Understand your authority. Man is the true ruler of this world, not the devil. God entrusted dominion to humanity (Genesis 1:26, Psalm 115:16, Matthew 18:18).
  2. Expose Satan’s deception. Satan was once Lucifer, a fallen angel. He gained power through human submission (Isaiah 14:15, Luke 4:5-6). His influence is derived from our yielded dominion.
  3. Recover your divine heritage. Jesus, the Son of God, became the Son of Man to restore humanity’s authority (John 1:14, Luke 1:35, John 3:14-15). Calvary’s sacrifice reversed the fall of humanity.
  4. Assert your victory. Satan is already defeated (Isaiah 14:15-16). Knowledge of God empowers us to overcome (Daniel 11:32). Fear stems from ignorance of God’s power.
  5. Yield to God, not Satan. Our choices determine whether we invite Satan’s influence (Job). Forgiveness is essential for answered prayer. Embrace your divine mandate and reject a beggarly spirit (Luke 10:19). God’s will is perfect, and human choices determine its manifestation on earth (Matthew 18:18). Discernment is key to recognizing Satan’s lies.

This sermon is a catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation. Don’t miss this opportunity to be equipped with the spiritual tools necessary to defeat the defeated Satan.

Download and listen now to embark on a journey of liberation and victory.

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