HomeSermonCatching Up with the Move of God in Your Home and Relationships | Global Life Service (13th October 2024)

Catching Up with the Move of God in Your Home and Relationships | Global Life Service (13th October 2024)

Catching Up with the Move of God in Your Home and Relationships | Global Life Service (13th October 2024)

October 13, 2024

Global Life Service – Family and Relationship Sunday
Text: Matthew 1:24-25, Judges 13:1, Genesis 12:4, Philippians 2:1-3

When we miss God’s move, we are left to chances. God’s move in your life is not about you alone; He moves through the circle of your relationships. While you are praying for the will of God, be the will of God yourself first. Many want to marry a godly person, but are you godly? If you want what you are praying for, you must play your part. What you wish for as a young man or woman, strive to become it first. Look at Joseph and Mary as a case study: Joseph was able to hear from God about what He was doing in Mary’s life. As the angel commanded him, he obeyed. So as a young man or woman, give yourself to God. It is for your own benefit before you step into marriage.

Matthew 1:24-25 says, “…and he knew her not.” Something within Joseph told him not to have intercourse. How was he able to know this? He was in tune with the move of God. Joseph realized that God’s move for his family had come through Mary, and he took responsibility as the earthly father of Jesus. Joseph aligned himself with God’s plan, which enabled him to fulfill his role in the family. Whatever you want to see in your future family, start becoming it now.

Judges 13:1 talks about the Nazarite vow. Whatever you want to see in your family must start with you. It is your responsibility to sow the seeds of what you expect. As a husband or wife, your life and character can impact your children. Beware of how you live—it will affect not only your life but also your unborn children. Manoah’s wife had an encounter with God, and Manoah knew what to do next. God answered Manoah’s prayer by returning to his wife. The man prayed, but the woman received the answer. We are not all good at everything. Each of us has strengths. Know your place in your relationships, and don’t overestimate or underestimate yourself. Even though Manoah prayed, God still visited his wife. Manoah realized he needed to follow his wife’s lead. “God has spoken once, twice I heard.” How can you hear twice what God has spoken once? You hear through the one who heard from God, then you can be sure of what God is saying. Samson’s arrival was a blessing, but his end was tragic.

Genesis 12:4 teaches us to be mindful of our relationships. God is going to move in your direction based on the circle of relationships you keep. Think of Abraham and Sarah. God spoke only to Abraham, but the move of God was for the whole family. Sarah was wise enough to maintain her part in God’s move through her husband. The only issue arose when Sarah tried to overtake Abraham’s role by making a suggestion against God’s will, leading to their misfortune (Genesis 16:5).

To Experience God’s Move in Your Family and Relationships:

  1. Unity of Purpose
    Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together except they agree?” There must be unity of purpose to experience God’s move.
  2. Discovery and Deployment of Strengths
    Every person has strengths, and each party in the relationship must recognize their individual gifts and play their roles well. In marriage or relationships, discover your strength and use it. If God raises your spouse, take it as a blessing. If God answers prayers through your spouse, there should be no competition—accept it as a blessing. You can pray to God, but you cannot dictate how He will answer. If you want to continually catch up with God’s move, find your role and play your part well.
  3. Humility is Required
    Humility is essential to serving the purpose of God in your relationship. Neither the man nor the woman is superior in God’s eyes. Relationships require teamwork because teamwork makes the great work.

Philippians 2:1-3 teaches that although there may be a hierarchy, it is not for superiority, but for responsibility. You cannot force things to work—just keep knocking and commit your partner’s heart to God. This is why it is important to marry a child of God, so that God can reach them quickly.

Ready to Catch Up with God’s Plan?
This message is a life-changing invitation. Don’t wait for change—be the change. God is ready to move in your family and relationships, but He’s waiting for you to take the first step.

Download the Full Audio Sermon Now and experience the transformation your heart has been longing for. Click the download button now!

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